Thursday, January 12, 2006

My initiation to Golf

Now the place where I grew up also had a golf course! But that was one game that I never played as a kid. I remember that as I used to make my way to the squash and tennis courts via a shortcut, I used to cross what now I know as a ‘brown’. Every other time, my friends and I would stop, look around if anyone was watching, and then fill up the cup with sand!! I now realise how irritating it must have been for the players. So sincere apologies!!!
When satellite TV started beaming in India in the early 90s, I have vivid recollections of the golf telecasts on star sports. Though at that time I never spent more than a minute on it, I do remember wondering as to how the players would spot the ball once they have hit it!! I know that is still a problem with some of us today, but at least the appreciation has improved!!!
It was only in 2001 when an office mate of mine, who was a keen golfer, almost forced me on to the course. By then, my interest in the game has also been generated to an extent that I did not mind making at least an attempt . Well, that was the last time that someone had to cajole me to go and play golf!!! Today, I just need the slightest of openings to slip away for a game!

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